Using machine learning to optimize gold recovery and control ore processing
In heavy industries, improving efficiency and reducing waste are essential for long-term growth and success. Gold mining, in particular, faces the challenge of extracting as much value as possible from raw materials while keeping processes efficient and cost-effective. To tackle these issues, Zyfra, a company that develops solutions for heavy industries, is turning to machine learning to improve gold ore processing.
This project aims to use machine learning to predict how much gold can be recovered from ore during the purification processes, using dataset provided by Zyfra.
The primary goals are:
Create an accurate digital twin of the purification process.
Enable parameter simulation without production risks.
Optimize reagent consumption and recovery rates.
Provide data-driven insights for process optimization.
First, lets talk about the opertional process involved in gold purification.
Gold Purification Process
Gold purification is a multi-stage process used to extract pure gold from ore, focusing on flotation and leaching stages.
1. Flotation Process
Flotation separates gold from gangue based on surface properties. Gold becomes hydrophobic, attaching to air bubbles and floating to the surface, while gangue stays submerged.
Flotation Steps:
Ore is crushed and mixed with water to form a slurry.
Flotation chemicals are added to separate gold from gangue.
Air bubbles cause gold to float, forming a froth, which is skimmed off as rougher concentrate and fed to the next process, as shown in the figure above.
Remaining material, rougher tails, has a lower gold concentration and is either discarded (as shown in the figure) or further treated.
2. First Stage of Leaching
Cyanidation uses cyanide to dissolve gold from the concentrate into a gold-cyanide complex.
Cyanidation Steps:
Flotation concentrate is mixed with sodium cyanide.
Cyanide leaches gold into a liquid form, separating it from gangue.
3. Second Stage of Leaching
Gold is recovered from the cyanide solution using activated carbon or zinc.
Activated Carbon Adsorption:
Cyanide solution is passed through activated carbon, adsorbing gold.
Gold is stripped from the carbon and refined.
Zinc Precipitation:
Zinc is added to the cyanide solution, causing gold to precipitate.
Gold is filtered out and refined.
The following image visually represents the gold recovery process workflow, highlighting stages like flotation, primary purification, secondary purification, and final product characteristics. It also uses example variables to illustrate how data corresponds to stages and parameter types, such as gold content.
Dataset Description
Throughout the gold recovery process, the dataset captures a comprehensive set of measurements taken at various purification stages. These include metal concentrations (Gold, Silver, Lead), particle size distributions, process-specific parameters, and time-series measurements. Each data point is tagged with a timestamp, enabling temporal analysis to identify trends, patterns, and potential optimizations in the recovery process. This time-based dimension adds valuable context for understanding how process parameters evolve and influence recovery efficiency over time.
Each data point is tagged with a timestamp, enabling temporal analysis to identify trends, patterns, and potential optimizations in the recovery process. This time-based dimension adds valuable context for understanding how process parameters evolve and influence recovery efficiency over time.
The column names in the dataset follow the structure:
[stage] refers to the specific stage in the process:
rougher — flotation stage
primary_cleaner — primary purification stage
secondary_cleaner — secondary purification stage
final — final product characteristics
[parameter_type] refers to the type of the parameter:
input — raw material parameters
output — product parameters
state — parameters that characterize the current state of the stage
calculation — derived or calculation-based parameters
[parameter_name] refers to the specific parameter being measured. For a full description, refer to the file.
Dataset Overview
The dataset for this analysis is provided by Zyfra. Upon loading and inspecting the data, we observe the following:
Missing values in training data: date 0 final.output.concentrate_ag 1 final.output.concentrate_pb 1 final.output.concentrate_sol 211 final.output.concentrate_au 0 ... secondary_cleaner.state.floatbank5_a_level 1 secondary_cleaner.state.floatbank5_b_air 1 secondary_cleaner.state.floatbank5_b_level 1 secondary_cleaner.state.floatbank6_a_air 2 secondary_cleaner.state.floatbank6_a_level 1 Length: 87, dtype: int64
Looking at the output, we can observe that the test dataset has 53 columns, while the training dataset contains 87 columns. This discrepancy arises because some parameters were measured or calculated later on. Let’s take a closer look at which columns are missing.
Data Quality
Now that we understand what the data represents and have successfully loaded it, we noticed a discrepancy in the shapes of the training and test sets. Ensuring data quality is crucial, as it directly impacts the model’s ability to learn effectively and make accurate predictions. Therefore, a thorough inspection of the dataset is essential to identify any inconsistencies, missing values, or anomalies that could affect model performance.
Lets start by comparing the columns of the data betweeen the test set and train set.
Implementation # analyze the differences between train and test datasets missing_cols = sorted(list(set(train_df.columns) - set(test_df.columns))) # categorize missing columns by their types missing_by_stage = { "rougher": [], "primary_cleaner": [], "secondary_cleaner": [], "final": [], } for col in missing_cols: stage = col.split(".")[0] missing_by_stage[stage].append(col) # display missing columns by stage print("\nMissing columns by processing stage:") for stage, cols in missing_by_stage.items(): print(f"\n{stage.upper()} stage missing columns ({len(cols)}):") for col in cols: print(f"- {col}") Output Missing columns by processing stage: ROUGHER stage missing columns (13): - rougher.calculation.au_pb_ratio - rougher.calculation.floatbank10_sulfate_to_au_feed - rougher.calculation.floatbank11_sulfate_to_au_feed - rougher.calculation.sulfate_to_au_concentrate - rougher.output.concentrate_ag - rougher.output.concentrate_au - rougher.output.concentrate_pb - rougher.output.concentrate_sol - rougher.output.recovery - rougher.output.tail_ag - rougher.output.tail_au - rougher.output.tail_pb - rougher.output.tail_sol PRIMARY_CLEANER stage missing columns (8): - primary_cleaner.output.concentrate_ag - primary_cleaner.output.concentrate_au - primary_cleaner.output.concentrate_pb - primary_cleaner.output.concentrate_sol - primary_cleaner.output.tail_ag - primary_cleaner.output.tail_au - primary_cleaner.output.tail_pb - primary_cleaner.output.tail_sol SECONDARY_CLEANER stage missing columns (5): - secondary_cleaner.output.concentrate_ag - secondary_cleaner.output.concentrate_au - secondary_cleaner.output.concentrate_pb - secondary_cleaner.output.concentrate_sol - secondary_cleaner.output.tail_sol FINAL stage missing columns (8): - final.output.concentrate_ag - final.output.concentrate_au - final.output.concentrate_pb - final.output.concentrate_sol - final.output.recovery - final.output.tail_ag - final.output.tail_au - final.output.tail_pb - final.output.tail_sol
Most of these missing columns are ‘output’ parameters that would not be available in a real-world prediction scenario.
Missing Parameters Include:
Recovery rates at different stages
Concentrate and tail characteristics
Final product parameters
With a clear understanding of the differences between the training and test sets, the next step is to analyze the dataset further. We’ll assess data quality by identifying any missing values, inconsistencies, or abnormalities that could impact the model’s performance.
Implemntation def analyze_missing_values(df, name): """analyze missing values and their patterns in the dataset""" print(f"\n{'='*50}") print(f"missing values analysis for {name} dataset") print(f"{'='*50}") # get basic missing value stats missing_vals = df.isnull().sum() missing_pct = (missing_vals / len(df)) * 100 # create summary dataframe missing_info = pd.DataFrame( {"missing_count": missing_vals, "percent_missing": missing_pct.round(2)} ) # look at features with missing values missing_features = missing_info[missing_info["missing_count"] > 0].sort_values( "percent_missing", ascending=False ) if len(missing_features) > 0: print(f"\nfound {len(missing_features)} features with missing values:") display(missing_features) # quick summary stats print("\nsummary:") print(f"total missing values: {missing_vals.sum():,}") print(f"average missing: {missing_pct.mean():.2f}%") print( f"features with >50% missing: {len(missing_features[missing_features['percent_missing'] > 50])}" ) # visualize missing value distribution plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)), missing_features["percent_missing"]) plt.title(f"missing values - {name} dataset") plt.xlabel("features") plt.ylabel("% missing") plt.xticks(range(len(missing_features)), missing_features.index, rotation=90) plt.tight_layout() else: print("\nno missing values found in the dataset") # check both datasets analyze_missing_values(train_df, "training") analyze_missing_values(test_df, "testing") Output ================================================== missing values analysis for training dataset ================================================== found 62 features with missing values
62 rows × 2 columns
summary: total missing values: 4,100 average missing: 0.33% features with >50% missing: 0
================================================== missing values analysis for testing dataset ================================================== found 12 features with missing values:
summary: total missing values: 90 average missing: 0.03% features with >50% missing: 0
The missing values analysis reveals a notable difference between the training and testing datasets. The training dataset has 4,100 missing values spread across 62 features, with an average missing rate of 0.33%. In contrast, the testing dataset contains significantly fewer missing values—only 90 across 12 features, with an average missing rate of 0.03%. While no features have more than 50% missing data, certain key parameters, such as secondary cleaner output tail solution and rougher state variables, exhibit higher missing percentages in the training set. This discrepancy suggests that careful handling of missing values is necessary to ensure data integrity and model reliability.
Handling Missing Values
Since our data is time-series based with timestamps, we’ll use a two-step imputation strategy to deal with the missing values in our dataset.
Forward Fill (ffill):
Fills missing values using the last known value
Works well for time series as it assumes the process continues with the last known state
Particularly useful for continuous process parameters
Backward Fill (bfill):
Applied after forward fill to handle any remaining gaps
Fills missing values using the next known value
Acts as a backup strategy for gaps at the beginning of the dataset
This combined approach is appropriate because:
Process parameters typically change gradually over time
Using both fills ensures we don’t leave any gaps
The temporal order is preserved by sorting by timestamp first
We maintain the natural flow of the process parameters
Key considerations in our implementation:
We only apply this to feature columns (X variables)
Train and test sets are handled separately to prevent data leakage
Let’s implement this strategy:
Implementaion # identify target columns (y variables) target_cols = [col for col in train_df.columns if "recovery" in col] print("target columns:") for col in target_cols: print(f"- {col}") def fill_missing_values(df, name): """fill missing values using forward fill, then backward fill""" df_filled = df.copy() feature_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col not in target_cols] df_filled = df_filled.sort_values("date") df_filled[feature_cols] = df_filled[feature_cols].ffill().bfill() return df_filled # apply the strategy to train and test sets print("\nfilling missing values...") train_cleaned = fill_missing_values(train_df, "training") test_cleaned = fill_missing_values(test_df, "test") full_cleaned = fill_missing_values(full_df, "full") # verify results def check_missing_after_fill(df, name): """verify no missing values remain in features""" missing = df.isnull().sum() missing = missing[missing > 0] if len(missing) > 0: print(f"\nremaining missing values in {name} set:") print(missing) else: print(f"\nno missing values remain in {name} set features") # check results for both datasets check_missing_after_fill(train_cleaned, "training") check_missing_after_fill(test_cleaned, "test") # quick verification of data shape print("\nshapes after cleaning:") print(f"training: {train_cleaned.shape}") print(f"test: {test_cleaned.shape}") Output target columns: - final.output.recovery - rougher.output.recovery filling missing values... no missing values remain in training set features no missing values remain in test set features shapes after cleaning: training: (14149, 87) test: (5290, 53)
Data Visualizaiton
Now that we have improved the quality of the data, it is essential to verify whether the collected data aligns with the expected trends in gold purification. Simply having clean data is not enough—we need to ensure that it accurately represents the underlying process.
In the gold purification process, we expect the metal concentration to increase at each stage. Visualizing the concentration levels at different processing steps should confirm whether this trend holds. Additionally, given the discrepancies between the training and test datasets, it is important to compare the particle size distributions in both sets. This will help ensure that the physical properties of the materials are consistent, preventing potential biases in model training and evaluation.
Metal Concentration Visuzlaization
Lets first analyze the concentration patterns of three key metals (Gold, Silver, and Lead) across different stages of the process.
We visualize three key aspects for each metal:
Concentration Progression: Shows how the metal concentration changes through different stages
Tail Measurements: Tracks the metal content in the waste material (tails)
Distribution Analysis: Displays the statistical distribution of concentrations at each stage
Implementation def analyze_metal_concentration(df, metal): """analyze concentration of a specific metal across purification stages""" # define stages and their required columns stage_columns = { "rougher": { "input": f"rougher.input.feed_{metal}", "output": f"rougher.output.concentrate_{metal}", }, "primary_cleaner": {"output": f"primary_cleaner.output.concentrate_{metal}"}, "secondary_cleaner": { "output": f"secondary_cleaner.output.concentrate_{metal}" }, "final": {"output": f"final.output.concentrate_{metal}"}, } # create dictionaries to store data concentrations = [] stage_names = [] distributions = {} # metal-specific colors and names metal_colors = { "au": ("goldenrod", "Gold"), "ag": ("silver", "Silver"), "pb": ("dimgray", "Lead"), } color, metal_name = metal_colors[metal] # collect data for each stage for stage, columns in stage_columns.items(): for step_type, column in columns.items(): if column in df.columns: concentrations.append(df[column].mean()) stage_names.append(f"{stage}_{step_type}") distributions[f"{stage}_{step_type}"] = df[column] # collect tail data tail_data = [] tail_labels = [] for stage in ["rougher", "primary_cleaner", "secondary_cleaner", "final"]: tail_col = f"{stage}.output.tail_{metal}" if tail_col in df.columns: tail_data.append(df[tail_col].mean()) tail_labels.append(stage) # create visualization with 3 subplots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7)) gs = GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1], figure=fig) # plot 1: Concentration changes ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) points = np.array(concentrations) x = range(len(points)) # plot trend line ax1.plot( x, points, "-", linewidth=2.5, color=color, label=f"{metal_name} Concentration" ) ax1.plot(x, points, "o", markersize=8, color=color, zorder=5) # add error bands errors = [distributions[stage].std() for stage in stage_names] ax1.fill_between( x, points - errors, points + errors, color=color, alpha=0.2, label="±1 SD" ) # customize first plot ax1.set_title( f"{metal_name} Concentration Progression", fontsize=14, pad=20, fontweight="bold", ) ax1.set_xlabel("Process Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax1.set_ylabel( f"Average {metal_name} Concentration", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold" ) ax1.set_xticks(range(len(stage_names))) ax1.set_xticklabels( [name.replace("_", "\n") for name in stage_names], rotation=0, fontsize=10 ) ax1.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.7) ax1.legend(fontsize=10, loc="upper left") # plot 2: Tail measurements ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) if tail_data: x_tail = range(len(tail_data)) ax2.plot( x_tail, tail_data, "-", linewidth=2.5, color="darkred", label=f"{metal_name} Tail", ) ax2.plot(x_tail, tail_data, "o", markersize=8, color="darkred", zorder=5) # add error bands for tails tail_errors = [ df[f"{stage}.output.tail_{metal}"].std() for stage in tail_labels ] ax2.fill_between( x_tail, np.array(tail_data) - np.array(tail_errors), np.array(tail_data) + np.array(tail_errors), color="darkred", alpha=0.2, label="±1 SD", ) # customize second plot ax2.set_title( f"{metal_name} Tail Measurements", fontsize=14, pad=20, fontweight="bold" ) ax2.set_xlabel("Process Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax2.set_ylabel( f"{metal_name} Tail Concentration", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold" ) ax2.set_xticks(range(len(tail_labels))) ax2.set_xticklabels( [label.replace("_", "\n") for label in tail_labels], rotation=0, fontsize=10 ) ax2.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.7) ax2.legend(fontsize=10, loc="upper right") # plot 3: Distribution plot ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) # clean data for violin plot clean_distributions = [distributions[stage].dropna() for stage in stage_names] # create violin plot violin_parts = ax3.violinplot( clean_distributions, points=100, showmeans=True, showextrema=True ) # customize violin plot for pc in violin_parts["bodies"]: pc.set_facecolor(color) pc.set_alpha(0.7) # customize mean and extrema markers violin_parts["cmeans"].set_color("darkred") violin_parts["cmeans"].set_linewidth(2) violin_parts["cbars"].set_color("black") violin_parts["cmins"].set_color("black") violin_parts["cmaxes"].set_color("black") # customize distribution plot ax3.set_title( f"{metal_name} Concentration Distribution", fontsize=14, pad=20, fontweight="bold", ) ax3.set_xlabel("Process Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax3.set_ylabel(f"{metal_name} Concentration", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax3.set_xticks(range(1, len(stage_names) + 1)) ax3.set_xticklabels( [name.replace("_", "\n") for name in stage_names], rotation=0, fontsize=10 ) ax3.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.7) plt.tight_layout() # set style"default") sns.set_theme() # function for each metal using cleaned data for metal in ["au", "ag", "pb"]: analyze_metal_concentration(train_cleaned, metal) Output
Based on the plots, we have the following findings for each of the three metals.
Gold (Au) Concentration:
Shows significant enrichment through the process stages
Highest concentration in final output
Minimal losses in tail streams
Most consistent distribution patterns
Silver (Ag) Concentration:
Moderate enrichment through stages
Some variability in concentration levels
Higher tail losses compared to gold
Wider distribution ranges at intermediate stages
Lead (Pb) Concentration:
Less consistent enrichment pattern
Higher variability in measurements
Significant tail content
Most variable distributions
The analysis confirms that gold concentration increases steadily through the purification stages, with minimal losses in tailings, aligning with the expected refinement process. In contrast, silver and lead exhibit higher variability and greater tail losses, indicating less efficient separation. These trends reinforce the expected metallurgical process, ensuring the data adheres to the gold purification storyline and remains consistent with real-world expectations.
Particle Size Distribution Visualization
Comparing particle size distributions between training and test sets is crucial as it helps:
Validate data consistency across sets
Identify potential processing variations
Ensure model generalizability
Analysis Approach
We’ll examine:
Feed Size Distribution: Compare particle size measurements at the rougher input stage
Statistical Measures: Analyze mean, median, and variance of size distributions
Distribution Shapes: Look for any significant differences in distribution patterns
Implementation def analyze_particle_size_distribution(train_df, test_df): """Compare particle size distributions between training and test sets for different processing stages""" # define columns and stages size_cols = ["primary_cleaner.input.feed_size", "rougher.input.feed_size"] stage_names = ["Primary Cleaner\nFeed", "Rougher\nFeed"] # enhanced color palette colors = { "train": "#2E86C1", "test": "#E74C3C", "grid": "#95A5A6", } # clean data train_clean = train_df[size_cols].fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill") test_clean = test_df[size_cols].fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill") # create figure"default") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) gs = GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[1, 1.2], figure=fig) # plot 1: bar comparison ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]) x = range(len(size_cols)) width = 0.35 # add bars train_bars = [i - width / 2 for i in x], train_clean.mean(), width, label="Training Set", color=colors["train"], alpha=0.8, ) test_bars = [i + width / 2 for i in x], test_clean.mean(), width, label="Test Set", color=colors["test"], alpha=0.8, ) # add value labels on bars for bar in train_bars + test_bars: height = bar.get_height() ax1.text( bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2.0, height, f"{height:.1f}μm", ha="center", va="bottom", ) # customize first plot ax1.set_title( "Average Particle Size Comparison by Processing Stage", pad=20, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", ) ax1.set_xlabel("Processing Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax1.set_ylabel("Average Particle Size (μm)", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax1.set_xticks(x) ax1.set_xticklabels(stage_names, fontsize=11) ax1.legend(fontsize=10, loc="upper right") ax1.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) # add statistical comparison for i, col in enumerate(size_cols): stat, p_value = ks_2samp(train_clean[col], test_clean[col]) ax1.text( i, ax1.get_ylim()[1] * 0.8, f"p-value: {p_value:.2e}", ha="center", fontsize=9, style="italic", ) # plot 2: training boxplot ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) box_train = ax2.boxplot([train_clean[col] for col in size_cols], patch_artist=True) for patch in box_train["boxes"]: patch.set_facecolor(colors["train"]) patch.set_alpha(0.6) ax2.set_title( "Training Set Size Distribution", pad=20, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold" ) ax2.set_xlabel("Processing Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax2.set_ylabel("Particle Size (μm)", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax2.set_xticklabels(stage_names, fontsize=11) ax2.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) # add stats to training plot for i, col in enumerate(size_cols): stats = f"μ={train_clean[col].mean():.1f}\nσ={train_clean[col].std():.1f}" ax2.text( i + 1, ax2.get_ylim()[1] * 0.9, stats, ha="center", fontsize=9, bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.8), ) # plot 3: test boxplot ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) box_test = ax3.boxplot([test_clean[col] for col in size_cols], patch_artist=True) for patch in box_test["boxes"]: patch.set_facecolor(colors["test"]) patch.set_alpha(0.6) ax3.set_title("Test Set Size Distribution", pad=20, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold") ax3.set_xlabel("Processing Stage", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax3.set_ylabel("Particle Size (μm)", fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") ax3.set_xticklabels(stage_names, fontsize=11) ax3.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) # add stats to test plot for i, col in enumerate(size_cols): stats = f"μ={test_clean[col].mean():.1f}\nσ={test_clean[col].std():.1f}" ax3.text( i + 1, ax3.get_ylim()[1] * 0.9, stats, ha="center", fontsize=9, bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.8), ) plt.suptitle( "Particle Size Analysis: Primary Cleaner vs Rougher Feed Stages", fontsize=16, y=1.02, fontweight="bold", ) plt.tight_layout() return fig fig = analyze_particle_size_distribution(train_cleaned, test_cleaned) Output
Key Findings
Size Range Comparison:
Primary Cleaner Feed: ~7.3 microns (mean)
Training: 7.32 ± 0.61 microns
Test: 7.27 ± 0.61 microns
Rougher Feed: ~55-60 microns (mean)
Training: 60.24 ± 23.01 microns
Test: 55.95 ± 19.08 microns
Distribution Characteristics:
Primary Cleaner Stage:
Very consistent distributions between sets
Small standard deviation (~0.61 microns)
Medians closely match means (7.29 vs 7.25)
Rougher Stage:
Wider distribution range
Higher variability (std: 19-23 microns)
Slight skew (mean > median)
Process Implications:
Primary cleaner feed shows excellent consistency
Rougher stage shows expected higher variability
Statistically significant differences (p < 0.0001) but practically small
Feed size control is better at later processing stages
The analysis shows that particle size distributions are well-controlled, with some variation in the rougher stage. While differences between training and test sets exist, they remain within acceptable ranges. This confirms that, despite column differences, the physical properties of the particles are consistent, supporting the validity of both datasets.
Now that we have a solid understanding of the data, we can move forward with utilizing it to predict the required final concentration using machine learning, which is the core objective of this project.
Model Development
The goal of this section is to leverage various features of the dataset to predict two key variables: rougher.output.recovery and final.output.recovery, which represent the concentration levels at the rougher and final stages of the gold purification process.
Since the accuracy of predictions is highly dependent on the selected features, we must ensure that the input features are well-prepared for training. This process is crucial for improving the model’s performance. The following steps will be taken to optimize the feature set:
Scaling: All input features will be scaled to a similar range, ensuring that variables with larger numeric ranges do not disproportionately influence the model’s predictions.
Feature Engineering: New features will be engineered from existing data, potentially capturing hidden patterns or relationships that may improve predictive performance. For example, ratios or combinations of variables like feed rate, xanthate levels, and recovery rates at different stages could provide additional insights.
Feature Importance Analysis: To further optimize the model, we will assess the importance of each feature. By using algorithms like Random Forests or Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs), we can rank features based on their impact on the model’s performance. This will help in selecting the most relevant features and discarding those that add little to no predictive value.
After these preprocessing steps, different machine learning models, such as Linear Regression, Decision Trees, and Random Forests, will be trained to predict the recovery values at both stages. The performance of each model will be compared, and adjustments will be made to improve the overall prediction accuracy.
But first, let’s prepare the data by ensuring that the training set excludes the target variables (the ones we aim to predict). We also need to ensure that both the training and test datasets have the same columns. Since the target features are not available in the test set, we’ll leverage the target data from the “full” dataset, using the timestamps to align the appropriate target values for the test set.
Implementation # Prepare Data # keep recovery columns separate before removing columns cols_not_present_in_test = set(train_cleaned.columns) - set(test_cleaned.columns) recovery_cols = ["rougher.output.recovery", "final.output.recovery"] cols_to_remove = cols_not_present_in_test - set(recovery_cols) # remove non-recovery columns that aren't in test set train_features = train_cleaned.drop(columns=cols_to_remove) # get target values for test set from full dataset full_targets = full_cleaned[["date"] + recovery_cols] test_with_targets = pd.merge(full_targets, test_cleaned, how="inner", on="date") # separate features and targets X_features = [col for col in test_cleaned.columns if col not in ["date"] + recovery_cols] # create X and y for train and test X_train = train_features[X_features] y_train = train_features[recovery_cols] X_test = test_with_targets[X_features] y_test = test_with_targets[recovery_cols] print(f"Training features shape: {X_train.shape}") print(f"Training targets shape: {y_train.shape}") print(f"Test features shape: {X_test.shape}") print(f"Test targets shape: {y_test.shape}") Output Training features shape: (14149, 52) Training targets shape: (14149, 2) Test features shape: (5290, 52) Test targets shape: (5290, 2)
Scale Features
Technique like StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing module can be used to scale features such that mean of each feature is 0 and that the standard deviation of each of the feature is 1.
Implementation def scale_data(X_train, X_test): # initialize scaler scaler = StandardScaler() # fit and transform training data X_train_scaled = pd.DataFrame( scaler.fit_transform(X_train), columns=X_train.columns, index=X_train.index ) # transform test data using the same scaler X_test_scaled = pd.DataFrame( scaler.transform(X_test), columns=X_test.columns, index=X_test.index ) print("Scaling complete:") print(f"Training set shape: {X_train_scaled.shape}") print(f"Test set shape: {X_test_scaled.shape}") return X_train_scaled, X_test_scaled, scaler # scale the features X_train, X_test, scaler = scale_data(X_train, X_test) Output Scaling complete: Training set shape: (14149, 52) Test set shape: (5290, 52)
Engineer Features
Adding 2 new features that captute the ratio of concentration of diferent metals, i.e Ag/Pb and Au/Ag
Implementaion # calculate additional features that might be useful def engineer_features(df): """create new features that might help predict recovery rates""" df_new = df.copy() # metal concentration ratios df_new["rougher.input.ag_to_pb"] = ( df_new["rougher.input.feed_ag"] / df_new["rougher.input.feed_pb"] ) df_new["rougher.input.au_to_ag"] = ( df_new["rougher.input.feed_au"] / df_new["rougher.input.feed_ag"] ) # time-based features # df_new["hour"] = pd.to_datetime(df_new["date"]).dt.hour # df_new["day"] = pd.to_datetime(df_new["date"]) # df_new["month"] = pd.to_datetime(df_new["date"]).dt.month return df_new # apply feature engineering train_features = engineer_features(X_train) test_features = engineer_features(X_test)
Analyze Feature Importance
Implementation def analyze_feature_importance(X_train, y_train, X_features): """analyze which features are most important for predicting the target""" # train a simple random forest rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42), y_train) # get feature importance importance = pd.DataFrame( {"feature": X_features, "importance": rf.feature_importances_} ).sort_values("importance", ascending=False) return importance # analyze importance for each target column for target in recovery_cols: print(f"\nTop 10 important features for {target}:") importance = analyze_feature_importance(X_train, y_train[target], X_features) display(importance.head(10)) Output Top 10 important features for rougher.output.recovery:
Top 10 important features for final.output.recovery:
The results highlight which features have the greatest impact on the recovery variables. This data can be used to selectively choose the most important features for model development. Additionally, it can provide valuable insights for operators in the gold purification process, helping them identify which subprocesses contribute the most to the purification. For instance, if certain chemicals are found to have minimal impact on recovery, operators can reduce their usage, thereby minimizing costs while optimizing the process.
Model Training
The next step involves training the model to predict the recovery values. To determine which model performs best, we use a custom evaluation metric that is designed to assess recovery predictions. Specifically, we employ a weighted Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (sMAPE) metric, which gives different importance to the rougher and final recovery stages. This weighted approach ensures that the model is evaluated more critically on the final recovery stage, which has a higher impact on the overall purification process.
Next, we will define three models—Random Forest, XGBoost, and LightGBM—for predicting gold recovery rates. Random Forest is effective at capturing complex, non-linear relationships in flotation processes and is robust to outliers. XGBoost excels at learning sequential patterns and has strong regularization to prevent overfitting. LightGBM, known for its faster training and memory efficiency, is particularly suited for large datasets and handles categorical features well. These models will be compared using the weighted sMAPE metric, which places higher importance (74.5%) on final recovery and less emphasis (25.5%) on rougher recovery.
Now, lets train the models, find out the best peforming models and plot the model predictions and evaluations
Implementation # initialize dictionary with empty DataFrames for both stages metrics_dict = {} metrics_dict["rougher"] = pd.DataFrame( {"Model": [], "Train sMAPE": [], "MAE": [], "R2 Score": []} ) metrics_dict["final"] = pd.DataFrame( {"Model": [], "Train sMAPE": [], "MAE": [], "R2 Score": []} ) # train models for both recovery targets recovery_cols = ["rougher.output.recovery", "final.output.recovery"] for target in recovery_cols: print(f"\n{'='*50}") print(f"Training models for {target}") print(f"{'='*50}") # train models stage = "final" if "final" in target else "rougher" results, predictions = train_optimization_models( X_train, X_test, y_train[target], stage ) # compare model performances print("\nModel Performance Comparison:") print("-" * 30) for name, result in results.items(): model = result["model"] train_pred = model.predict(X_train) test_pred = predictions[name] # Calculate additional metrics mae = mean_absolute_error(y_train[target], train_pred) r2 = r2_score(y_train[target], train_pred) metrics_dict[stage] = pd.concat( [ metrics_dict[stage], pd.DataFrame( { "Model": [name], "Train sMAPE": [result["train_smape"]], "MAE": [mae], "R2 Score": [r2], } ), ] ) # sort by sMAPE (lower is better) metrics_dict[stage] = metrics_dict[stage].sort_values("Train sMAPE") # display results print(f"\nResults for {target}:") display(metrics_dict[stage]) # identify best model best_model = metrics_dict[stage].iloc[0]["Model"] print(f"\nBest performing model: {best_model}") print(f"sMAPE Score: {metrics_dict[stage].iloc[0]['Train sMAPE']:.4f}") # plot predictions vs actual for best model plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) best_predictions = predictions[best_model] plt.scatter( y_train[target], results[best_model]["model"].predict(X_train), alpha=0.5 ) plt.plot( [y_train[target].min(), y_train[target].max()], [y_train[target].min(), y_train[target].max()], "r--", lw=2, ) plt.xlabel("Actual Recovery") plt.ylabel("Predicted Recovery") plt.title(f"{best_model} Predictions vs Actual - {target}") plt.tight_layout() # display final comparison of both stages print("\nFinal Comparison:") print("\nRougher Stage Results:") display(metrics_dict["rougher"]) print("\nFinal Stage Results:") display(metrics_dict["final"])
Training models for rougher.output.recovery
Training RandomForest...
RandomForest Results:
Train sMAPE: 1.5379
Training XGBoost...
XGBoost Results:
Train sMAPE: 1.6241
Training LightGBM...
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing col-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.003586 seconds.
You can set `force_col_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 13260
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 14149, number of used features: 52
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 82.704502
LightGBM Results:
Train sMAPE: 1.8025
Model Performance Comparison:
Results for rougher.output.recovery:
Train sMAPE
R2 Score
Best performing model: RandomForest
sMAPE Score: 1.5379
Training models for final.output.recovery
Training RandomForest...
RandomForest Results:
Train sMAPE: 2.9912
Training XGBoost...
XGBoost Results:
Train sMAPE: 3.3671
Training LightGBM...
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing col-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.001728 seconds.
You can set `force_col_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 13260
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 14149, number of used features: 52
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 66.518832
LightGBM Results:
Train sMAPE: 3.8287
Model Performance Comparison:
Results for final.output.recovery:
Train sMAPE
R2 Score
Best performing model: RandomForest
sMAPE Score: 2.9912
Our machine learning analysis has successfully met the primary objectives for Zyfra’s gold recovery optimization, leveraging digital twin technology to enhance process control and efficiency. Below are the key takeaways from our analysis, including insights derived from the machine learning model and actionable recommendations to enhance Zyfra’s gold recovery process. These findings highlight critical factors influencing recovery rates and provide data-driven strategies for process optimization and cost reduction.
1. Digital Twin Creation
Developed a high-accuracy Random Forest model (R² > 0.91 for the rougher stage, 0.89 for the final stage).
Created a reliable digital representation of the rougher and final recovery processes.
Captures complex interactions between 52 process parameters and recovery rates.
2. Risk-Free Parameter Simulation
The digital twin allows operators to:
Simulate process modifications without disrupting production.
Test parameter adjustments before implementation.
Predict recovery outcomes under various operational scenarios.
3. Process Control Optimization Recommendations
Based on our machine learning analysis of the Zyfra gold recovery dataset, several key recommendations can optimize flotation process control:
Sulfate Concentration Management
Flotation bank sulfate levels were identified as the most influential parameter (9.6% importance).
Implement real-time sulfate monitoring in flotation bank 11.
Maintain optimal sulfate-to-gold ratios for maximum recovery.
Air Flow Rate Optimization
Primary cleaner air flow rates showed high importance (7.5%).
Recommend installing automated air flow controllers.
Adjust rates based on feed characteristics and recovery targets.
Reagent Dosing Strategy
Xanthate concentration in the secondary cleaner (3.1% importance) plays a role in optimization.
Implement feedback control loops for reagent addition.
Use model predictions to optimize reagent consumption and reduce waste.
4. Potential Economic Benefits
Potential 2–3% increase in gold recovery rates through optimized control.
Reduced reagent consumption by fine-tuning dosing strategies.
Lower operational costs through process stabilization and improved efficiency.
5. Recommended Implementation
To integrate this digital twin into existing process control systems, Zyfra can:
Implement real-time prediction monitoring for recovery rates.
Create an operator interface for parameter simulations.
Establish automated control loops based on model predictions.
Set up alert systems for deviations from optimal process conditions.
Note: While the model demonstrates strong predictive performance, implementation should follow a phased approach with continuous validation against actual plant data.
For a detailed look at the implementation and to access the complete codebase, visit the goldRecovery.